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Sound Crossing

Short Film

Rated 18+

27 minutes


Doctor Gail Lumen is a psychiatrist working with terminally ill children and their parents to prepare for the inevitable future. But it’s the past that haunts this good doctor and that floods back into her life. The only thing that seems certain for Gail is uncertainty. The epitome of what Blue Forge Films is, Sound Crossing is an original series written by Jennifer DiMarco tackling issues that DiMarco's work has explored for thirty years – race, age, size, class, and the child/parent bond. What makes a good mother? What makes a good person? Can we accept that we are all imperfect? Starring Abie Ekenezar as Doctor Lumen, Sound Crossing features unforgettable performances by the entire cast and a powerful original soundtrack by Brianne DiMarco. This edition of Sound Crossing compiles the entire first season of the show into a single short film.


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